Core Technology

Core technology of KYTEC BIO : Albumin-FLICTMConjugate


Unrivaled original technology

✔️Properties of Flick

Flick =Click + Fluorescence
(KYTECBIO's newly coined word)
Usage of Flick properties
-Cancer cell imaging
-Photodynamic therapy
-Quantitative analysis of Albumin
-Criminal forensics

✔️Covalently attached to Albumin SS1

Through covalent bonds, FLICTM binds much stronger to Albumin than other substances which bind to Albumin SS1
- Clarifying binding mode through X-ray analysis
→ Beneficial for further research and CMC*
*CMC(Chemistry, Manufacturing, Control)

✔️Albumin-FLICTMConjuate can target cancer cells and has an effectiveness of Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

Experiments confirm that Albumin-FLICTMonly accumulated in cancer cells

→Expected to have toxicity advantages due to less liver accumulation
→Addressing drug accumulation in the liver

*After three intravenous injections once a week, photodynamic therapy significantly reduced the size of cancer tumors in the Albumin-FLICTM treated group compared to the control group after 28 days of treatment.
